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Vacation Style House Plans

Vacation house plans encompass many styles depending on the vacation destination. Primarily, a vacation home should be a place to relax, socialize, and enjoy the location. Vacation homes typically have large, open concept floor plans. The kitchen flows naturally to a large living room area which often has a large fireplace. These homes usually have few bedrooms and no formal dining room. Dining areas may be a large screened in porch or deck that provides a nice view of the surroundings. Whether a mountain cabin or beachfront cottage, Vacation homes often have large front porches and large windows. This architectural style is all about enjoying time with loved ones and appreciating the area. In keeping with that theme, exteriors should be low-maintenance and simple. The interior is spacious and has durable carpets, easy-care finishes, and uncomplicated furnishings. The term "Vacation home" covers a wide spectrum of architectural styles. A Vacation home may be a log cabin, A-frame, or beach cottage. Your vacation home can be inspired by other styles such as Farmhouse or Mediterranean. Regardless of the Vacation house plan you choose, it is sure to quickly become home away from home and the place you will build memories that last a lifetime. Vacation homes are the place where families come together after children have grown, purchased their own home, and have children of their own. Discuss your ideal Vacation home with your builder so that the plan can be personalized to you. Your Vacation home will enhance your life and be a favorite place for your children and grandchildren.

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